Vintage Chariots Empty Condom Tin
      Vintage Chariots Empty Condom TinVintage Chariots Empty Condom TinVintage Chariots Empty Condom Tin

Vintage Chariots Empty Condom Tin

$ 30.00
Item id: 18948
Availability: in stock

Vintage Chariots Empty Condom Tin

You are buying a Vintage Chariots Empty Condom Tin. Tin measures approx.. 2 inches x 1.5 inches. Item has some wear from age and use. Fresh from an upstate NY estate. Buying as is. Free shipping within the US. 2.24 Vintage Chariots Empty Condom TinVintage Chariots Empty Condom TinVintage Chariots Empty Condom Tin
Vintage & collectibles